Work With Me!
Meghan Akin CNC, PT, ERYT
I bring not only 15 years of conditioning training, multi-level coaching experience, knowledge in Kinesiology and a fun loving and motivating personality to my classes and content, but I also bring 10 years of experience in the fitness and wellness space. I am proud to say I have 5+ Nationally Recognized Certifications and 100+ hours of continuing education under my belt as well.
I can't wait to connect with you and help you truly reach your weight loss and wellnes goals. My Customized, Personalized 1:1 Coaching Ultimate Membership will get you where you want to go!
Have You Ever
Felt like no matter how little you eat you can’t lose weight?
Seen an increase in lower belly, outer thigh and back fat?
Gained weight no matter how little you eat?
Experienced brain fog & midday crashes?
Feel or look pregnant from the crazy amount of bloat?
Felt like you have little to no energy, no matter how much you sleep?​​
Felt stressed and on edge 24/7?​​
Just not felt like yourself anymore?
Now Imagine
You sign up for my 1:1 Program and you're no longer frustrated.
You’re don't have to feel lost and feeling discouraged because you're not getting the right result even though you fee like you're doing all the right things.
Learning about macros and how to utilize them for long-term success so you never have to worry about over or under-eating again
Having a customized strategy with proven results so that you can finally get results
Having short but effective workouts that work for your busy schedule, so you can spend more time with your family and friends
Have a app to track your stats, food, workouts and more!
Access to Ultimate Membership Hub including Exclusive Videos, Planners, Nutrition Guides, Challenges & More
CUSTOMIZED MACROS TO FIT YOUR BODY AND GOALS to ensure that you are never feeling stuck or hit a plateau.
ACCESS TO ME & SUITE OF SUPPORT in our very own app. Track you workouts, meals, habits, photos, biometrics in more.
MEAL PLAN TEMPLATES, RECIPE GUIDES AND SHOPPING LISTS to fit your crazy life so that you aren't spending hours in the kitchen, making more than one meal for the family, or spending money on things you don't need.
WORKOUTS (HOME OR GYM) 15-30 min efficient and effective because you can reach your goals without spending hours in the gym. Provided to you in a all encompassing app bo-weekly.
NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS to aid you in your journey and replace nutrients you are naturally lacking
MONTHLY PRIVATE COACHING CALL with personalized feedback, goal-setting, training, and Q&A so that you are never stuck and always moving towards your goals with support
WEEKLY DIGITAL CHECK-IN to check your biofeedback and evaluate success and struggles
24/7 ACCESS TO OUR COMMUNITY of like-minded women. The place for endless encouragement, suggestions, tips/tricks and more!
BONUS: 30-minute program walkthrough call prior to getting started
My Transformation
I've been there! I know how you feel.
Back in 2018 I was my heaviest. I was close to 200 pounds and lost the drive to care about my health. Fast forward to 2020 postpartum and the apex of covid. I just stopped caring about my health and dedicated all my time to our newborn son. I had hit rock bottom of my wellness and didn't see a way out.
In 2022 I began to suffer from gut issues and sought out a Naturopath and got back on track. I utilized my extensive knowledge of wellness + Fitness and used her guidance on the medical side to get healthy again. I am not 145 pounds, feel the best I ever have and make time fro myself and my family.
Through this journey I did exactly what I guide my clients through. Live life to the fullest, eat foods that fuel your body and work out less than 30 minutes a day 4-5 times a week.